Sunday, 28 November 2010

If ignorance is bliss, why aren't more people jumping up and down for joy?

Photo session with both my sons late last night. My older son is doing a jumpology project for his Photography course at uni & persuaded his brother to do a few jumps for him.

He had me set up my big white studio paper backdrop up outside & we used a projector to project an image of the sky onto it, then Sebe did a few (hundred) jumps. I would never have conceived of this. Odd doing nothing in a shoot but taking direction.

A few extra in the comments section of this photo in my flickr stream (Just click on the photo to get there)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a thought-provoking inquiry! The concept of "ignorance is bliss" implies that not knowing about life's intricacies can lead to enjoyment. In actuality, ignorance frequently leaves people unprepared for difficulties, resulting in anxiety rather than delight. Knowledge enables us to make educated decisions and develop meaningful solutions. This principle is critical, particularly in industries like nursing. For individuals suffering with their academic workload, obtaining nursing dissertation help can bridge the gap between ignorance and comprehension, resulting in more effective practice and, ultimately, higher job satisfaction.
